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박철환, 꽃의 아름다움을 넘어선 풍경을 만나다

by 호호^.^아줌마 2010. 3. 2.



○ 작      가 : 박철환 

○ 작  품 명 : 목련 

○ 작품재료 : Acrylic on canvas

○ 작품크기 : 100×162㎝

○ 제작년도 : 2009



 ○ 작품재료 Acrylic on canvas

 ○ 작품크기 60×100㎝(35호)

 ○ 제작년도 2009  



 ○ 작품재료 Acrylic on canvas

 ○ 작품크기 72.7×92㎝(35호)

 ○ 제작년도 2009



홍익대학교 미술대학 서양화과 졸업 및 미술대학원 회화과 졸업


화지갤러리(일본 동경)│제3갤러리(서울)│관훈갤러리(서울)│예술의전당(서울)


인사아트센터(서울)│현대화랑(대전)│교차로갤러리(대전)│갤러리아 타임월드(대전)


파르티타갤러리(광릉)│현대갤러리(울산)│Arts Pool 삼진미술관(마산)



2005 아트서울(예술의전당, 서울)│대전엑스포(대전)│키아프 2004(코엑스, 서울)

제16회 2005 피아인터내셔널 Art Fair(타마나코인터네셔널, 베네주엘라)

Universiadad Elsalvador 한국주관기념│Fiaam Art Fair(상해, 중국)

2006 Miami Art Fair(마이애미, 미국) │Europ'Art Geneva(스위스)

한국조경 엑스포(SETEC)│아트엑스포(말레이시아)│뉴욕아트엑스포(뉴욕)

마니프(예술의 전당 2008)│2005-2008 대한민국구상대제전(예술의전당, 서울)

단체전 및 초대전

Mull전(2005, 2006)│영혼을 담은 아름다운 그릇전(공평아트센터) 외 200여 회



Meet landscape which is beyond the beauty of flowers

Jong-Geun Kim(Art critic)

Chul-Hwan Park has painted with the theme of flowers placed in ceramics for a long time than any other artists. He worked as a full-time artists as much as his painted flowers are more than flowers in flower shops.


The level of realistic and reality of his paintings seems like that flowers in his paintings will diffuse real fragrance of flowers just like seen in his pictures.

At times, his pictures are so real like true flowers and is as realistic as a legend that birds fell trying to sit on branches of old pine trees painted by Solgeo.

Sizes are also as great as his screen forms a grandiose views and it is clear that his paintings are impossible works if there is no passion.

Majority of his art works are classic and traditional in ways of expression such as red magnolia and white magnolia to be with ceramics. In particular, motif handled and compositional parts, his extremely realistic expression method follow typical patters of still life paintings like Chardin.

I do not know well why he shows strong attachment to this motif which is a little traditional and universal. Moreover, I also did not ask questions why he concentrates on this realistic expression of flowers.

It is because that is the selection of the artist.


His flowers are filled fully only with beauty but some still life paintings are so realistic or decorated in such simplicity with sincerity like photographs being attached on walls.

I would like to ask questions before talking about his such paintings. What are differences of these pictures from other pictures and where can we find the nature of differentiation from other pictures? Perhaps he may answer that it is his excellent power of delineation and beautiful expression of flowers.

He tries to show the acme of beauty provided by realistic paintings with detailed and delicate touch of strokes in attraction while he based routine world of general still life than anything else.

Among affluent and diverse expression of flowers in various kinds and the harmony within ceramics, he specializes still life paintings or pictures of flowers.

One of the characteristics is that feeble and fascinating petals of flowers in each painting harmonize well with the modeling world of beautiful shape of ceramics.

However, he now tries to attempt showing a little freedom from such tenacious theme.

He recently paints waving blue ocean spaciously by getting out of such common theme of still life paintings. From my individual taste, I am watching at his efforts for this kind of changes with interests.

It is because already too many artists have attached to art works with theme of flowers and also creation of works with new expression forms is not easy as much.

His own techniques are also important. For example, revealing uniqueness by processing background in rough touches, showing diversification of pictures with viewing angles of ceramics from side and from the top, painting flowers in each different and diverse colors, techniques showing the highest techniques with perfect delineation and etc are successful elements pictures of Chul-Hwan Park accomplish whoever say what.

He knows so well that he shall not be complacent or buried in his own world even though he is succeeding in showing one accumulated image.

It is now the time to think about the depth of his philosophy changing from flowers to landscape of the ocean.

Blue oceans he is already showing are shaking his heart like challenge and ideals and rushing in waves of the sea. These landscapes represent just like reflecting his internal sceneries.

Now he draws them in as one scene. Those scenes approach as scenes containing the heart of the author while approaching near just like in perspectives. Finally, he proceeds into scenes containing his own emotion. In such sense, his paintings look honest than anyone else.

In addition, he now changes into the art of drawing within dynamic landscape from still life painting in the past.

His changes seem like discovery of forms to create his emotion into pictures instead of simple changes from flowers to the ocean.

Chul-Hwan Park demonstrates carefulness and maturity in changing delicate colors in the background and space of his works. He tries to introduce his own emotion into true beauty of nature.

Look at blue waves spreading in front of vast ocean, he leads us to the ocean through his screens with structure which is rushing in his perfect flow.

That is the invitation to unique and attractive space of Chul-Hwan Park.

It goes without saying that his faithful expression power and realistic techniques are strength of his paintings which make these possible.

I think about how it will be if he expresses impressive ocean by going to the ocean while tying himself to a ship just like sincere William Turner for his excellent power of expression without stopping at containing the truth of nature.

I have no doubts that impressive works putting together lines, lights and expression of space as well as going over between plane and 3D will become the biggest turning point in the art world of Chul-Hwan Park.

Among artists, there are artists who repeat the same patterns of stable theme continuously instead of new theme.

I sincerely expect that excellent expression power and the deep contents of philosophy in the characteristics of his works will stay with his paintings while looking at art works of Chul-Hwan Park.

That is possible with stormy touches of strokes containing hearts of people instead of simple sceneries.

He is an author recognized by himself and others that he is a leading author in his extremely excellent power of expression and in groups of authors in the field of embodiment. He will grow as a true realist artist when his such strong points are displayed on his screens by going beyond the sate of simply containing only impressions of things pictured. 



광주시립미술관 상록전시관 기획전 ‘춘삼월전’


2010.02.27 ~ 2010.04.11


출품 작가 : 김동옥, 김주연, 박철환, 박태후, 서기문, 조진호, 홍지윤 등

작품수 : 회화, 조각, 영상, 설치 등 50여점

주최 및 후원 : 광주시립미술관